Prison Journalism Project has a partnership with the Society of Professional Journalists to host a national, virtual chapter of incarcerated journalists. 

Members are incarcerated journalists and formerly incarcerated writers and editors affiliated with PJP, who are doing active journalism work in and outside of the United States in accordance with SPJ’s code of ethics

This chapter is 100% sponsored by PJP and accepts members only by invitation. To qualify, one must be a PJP correspondent in good standing or the lead editor of a prison newspaper that is an active participant in PJP. SPJ members are expected to work according to the principles in PJP’s code of ethics, which is based on SPJ’s code of ethics

New members are carefully considered twice yearly by PJP staff based on their work in the prior year and contingent on the completion of a journalism ethics assignment. Membership status is reviewed each year at the time of renewal. 

For PJP correspondents, SPJ membership is a benefit of their continued engagement with PJP through the correspondent requirements. Lead editors of a prison newspaper are asked to submit at least one original story a year for PJP to consider for publication. We also ask that they share one issue of their publication each year for PJP editors to offer thoughts and feedback on so we can deepen the work of journalism together.

The Society of Professional Journalists is the nation’s most broad-based journalism organization, dedicated to encouraging the free and ethical practice of journalism. 

Without internet access, SPJ’s programs and resources are unfortunately not accessible to incarcerated members, but this membership is meant to formally recognize them as members of the journalism profession.

(For information about the Stillwater Awards, our partnership with SPJ Florida to honor journalistic excellence in the incarcerated community, click here.) 

Current Members

Tariq MaQbool, Chapter President
Leo Cardez
Jesse Carson
Benjamin Ice
Gary Farlow
Phillip Luna
Jeffrey McKee
Phillip Smith
Gervasio Torres
Ben Wilkins